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Publish Code Workflows

The Wokflow Enging can only run workflows that are published.

In the designer-first approach, workflows are published directly from the Workflow Studio.

Copy Workflow Files to the Engine

Code-first workflows need to be uploaded and placed in or under the workflows directory of the Workflow Engine installation path. In the case of a workflow that consists of multiple files, the files should be placed together in a subdirectory under the workflows directory.


The subfolder name should be lowercase and contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
It must NOT include any spaces or special characters.

The Workflow Studio provides a file Upload feature will be to simplify this process, especially where direct access to the Engine file system is not possible.

Publish Workflows

Once the workflow files are in place, you can confirm that they are registered by the Engine by accessing the Workflow Studio and checking the Workflows tab.

If the workflow is not listed, it may not have been registered correctly. In this case, check the Engine logs for any errors.

To publish a workflow, click on the Publish button next to the workflow in the Workflows tab.

This will enable the workflow and make it available for execution by the Engine.


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